
2020年5月7日19:11:56 发表评论浏览:3891

钣金(Sheet Metal)
比较钣金设计方法(Comparing Sheet Metal Design Methods)
从实体设计钣金(Design Sheet Metal from Solids)
将实体转换到钣金(Converting Solids to Sheet Metal)
从展开状态设计(Designing from the Flattened State)
从展开状态转换到钣金(Converting from Flattened State to Sheet Metal)
转换到钣金的好处(Advantages of Conversion to Sheet Metal)
组合不同的钣金设计方法(Combining the Different Sheet Metal Design Methods)
使用钣金工具(Using Sheet Metal Tools)
查看 FeatureManager 设计树(Examining the FeatureManager Design Tree)
基体法兰(Base Flange)
钣金薄片(Sheet Metal Tab)
边线法兰(Edge Flange)
斜接法兰(Miter Flange)
绘制的折弯(Sketched Bend)
闭合角(Closed Corner)
展开钣金折弯(Flattening Sheet Metal Bends)
断开边角/边角剪裁(Break Corner/Corner Trim)
放样的折弯(Lofted Bends)
在钣金中使用成形工具(Using Forming Tools with Sheet Metal)
成形工具(Forming Tools)
生成成形工具(Creating Forming Tools)
定位成形工具(Positioning Forming Tools)
将成形工具应用到钣金零件(Applying Forming Tools to Sheet Metal Parts)
转换实体到钣金(Converting Solid Bodies to Sheet Metal)
折弯类型(Bend Types)
使用尖角折弯生成钣金零件(Creating a Sheet Metal Part Using Sharp Bends)
使用圆角折弯生成钣金零件(Creating a Sheet Metal Part Using Round Bends)
生成带圆锥面的钣金零件(Creating Sheet Metal Parts with Conical Faces)
添加薄壁到钣金零件(Adding Walls to a Sheet Metal Part)
钣金特征(Sheet Metal Features)
输入钣金零件到 SolidWorks(Importing a Sheet Metal Part to SolidWorks)
展开钣金折弯(Flattening Sheet Metal Bends)
钣金零件(Sheet Metal Parts)
自动切释放槽(Auto Relief)
编辑折弯(Edit Bends)
平板型式(Flat Pattern)
通过钣金折弯的切除(Cut Across Sheet Metal Bends)
生成带圆柱面的钣金零件(Creating Sheet Metal Parts with Cylindrical Faces)
生成钣金零件的工程图(Creating Drawings of Sheet Metal Parts)
生成钣金平板型式的配置(Creating a Sheet Metal Flat Pattern Configuration)
钣金规格表 (Sheet Metal Gauge Table)">
钣金选项(Sheet Metal Options)
使用钣金折弯参数(Using Sheet Metal Bend Parameters)
折弯系数选项(Bend Allowance Options)
折弯系数与折弯扣除(Bend Allowance and Bend Deduction)
折弯系数表概述(Bend Table Overview)


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: