
2020年5月7日19:17:39 发表评论浏览:6182


Abrasive wear:M磨粒磨损
Accuracy of bevel and hypoid gears :Z锥齿轮和准双曲面齿轮 精度
Accuracy of cyllindrical worm and wormwheel  :Y圆柱蜗杆、蜗轮精度
Accuracy of fine-pitch bevel gears:XMSZ小模数锥齿轮精度
Accuracy of fine-pitch cylindrcal worm and wormwheel :XMSY小模数圆柱蜗杆、蜗轮精度
Accuracy of involute cylindrcal gears:J渐开线圆柱齿轮精度
Accuracy of rack:C齿条精度
Active flank:Y有效齿面
Addendum angle:C齿顶角
Addendum coefficient:C齿顶高系数
Addendum modification:J径向变位(变位)
Addendum modification coefficient:J径向变位系数(变位系数)
Addendum modification(for external gears ):Dedendum modification (for internal gears )   :J径向变位量(变位量)
Addendum modification of wormwheel:W蜗轮齿廓变位量
Addendum modification on gears :C齿轮的变位
Archimiedes spiral:A阿基米得螺线
Addendum flank:S上齿面
Addendum modification coefficient of wormwheel :W蜗轮变位系数
Angular dimensions :J角参数
Angular  pitch :C齿距角
Annulus gear   :N内齿圈
Apex crlssing point and locating face:D顶点,交点和定位面
Apex to crown:G冠顶距
"Arc-contact worm, Hollow flank worm, ZC-worm ":Y圆弧圆柱蜗杆(ZC蜗杆)
Associsted gear failure:Q其它损伤
Axial diametral pitch:Z轴向径节
Axial dimensions:Z轴向参数
"Axial modification,Longitudinal correction":C齿向修形
Axial module :Z轴向模数
Axial pitch:Z轴向齿距
Axial plane:Z轴平面
Axial plane of worm:W 蜗杆轴平面
Axial plane of worm:W 蜗轮轴平面
Axial profile:Z轴向齿廓
Axial profile angle of worm :W蜗杆轴向齿形角
Axial space width:Z轴向齿槽宽
Axial tooth profile:Z轴向齿廓
Axial tooth thickness:Z轴向齿厚
Back cone:B背锥面(背锥)
Back cone angle:B背锥角
Back cone distance:B背锥距
Back cone tooth profile:B背脊齿廓
Backlash :C 侧隙
Ball oscillating tooth:G滚珠活齿
Base circle:G基圆
Base circle of involute helicoid worm:J渐开线蜗杆基圆
Base clylinder:J基圆柱面
Base cylinder of involute helicoid worm:J渐开线蜗杆基圆柱面
Base diameter:J基圆直径
Base diameter of involute helicoid worm :J渐开线蜗杆基圆直径
Base helix:J基圆螺旋线
Base helix angle:J基圆螺旋角
Base lead angle:J基圆导程角
Base lead angle involute helicoid worm:J渐开线蜗杆基圆柱导程角
Base pitch:J基圆齿距
Base pitch of involute helicoid worm :J渐开线蜗杆基圆柱齿距
Base tangent length :G公法线长度
Basic parameters for cylindrical gear units :Y圆柱齿轮减数器基本参数
Basic parameters of cylindrical worm gears :Y圆柱蜗杆基本参数
Basic rack:J基本齿条
Basic rack tooth profile of fine-pitch bevel gears :X小模数锥齿轮基本齿廓
Basic rack tooth profile of fine-pitch cylindrical worm:X小模数圆柱蜗杆基本齿廓
Basic rack tooth profile of invoiute cylindrical gears:J渐开线圆柱齿轮 基本齿廓
Basic terminology  of cycloidal drives:B摆线针轮行星传动 基本术语
Basic terminology  of  gears:C齿轮基本术语
Basic terminology  of planetary drives :X行星传动基本术语
Basic tooth profile of cylindrical worm:Y圆柱蜗杆基本齿廓
Basic tooth profile of straight and skew bevel gears:Z直齿及斜齿锥齿轮基本齿廓
Basic worm:J基本蜗杆
Bevel and hypoid gears and gear pairs :Z锥齿轮 准双曲面齿轮及其齿轮副
Bevel gear :Z锥齿轮
Bevel gear pair :Z锥齿轮副
Bevel gear pair with small teeth difference :Z锥齿少齿差齿轮副
Bevel gears-information of the dimensional data to be given on the drawing:Z锥齿轮图样上应注明的尺寸数据
Blank deficiencies:L轮坯缺陷
Bottom clearance:D顶隙
Bottom clearance coefficient:D顶隙系数
Bottom land ,Bottom of  tooth space:C齿槽底面(槽底)
Bottom of tooth space:C齿槽底
Calculation of scuffing load capacity for involute cylindrical gears:J渐开线圆柱齿轮胶合承载能力计算方法
Case crushing:B表层压碎
Centre circle of gear pins(distribution circle):Z针齿中心圆(分布圆)
Centre circle of gear pins(distribution cylinder):Z针齿中心圆柱面(分布圆柱面)
Centre circle of pin holes:Z柱锁孔中心圆
Centre circle pitch of gear pins(distribution circle pitch) :Z针齿中心圆齿距(分布圆齿距)
Centre cylinder of pin holes:Z柱销孔中心圆柱面
Centre distance(eccentricity):Z中心距(偏心距)
Centre distance of gear pins(distribution diameter) :Z针轮中心圆直径(分布圆直径)
Centre distance of pin holes:Z柱销孔中心圆直径
Centre distance modification coefficient :Z中心距变动系数
Centre gear:Z中心轮
Centre surface of pin holes:Z柱销孔中心曲面
Chordal height:X弦齿高
Chordal tooth tnickness  ||  X弦齿厚
Circle at root of gorge:W蜗轮喉圆
Circles :Y圆
Circular-arc gear :Y圆弧圆柱齿轮
Circular-arc gear drive with small teeth difference :Y圆弧少齿差齿轮传动
Circular-arc gear pair :Y圆弧齿轮副
Circular arc gear pair with small teeth difference :Y圆弧少齿差齿轮副
Circular arc spur gear:Y圆弧直齿轮
Circumferferential backlash:Y圆周侧隙
Circumferferential restricting mechanism:Z周向限制机构
Cleanliness of gear units:C齿轮传动装置清洁度
Clearance and backlash:D顶隙和侧隙
Coefficient of facewidth:C齿宽系数
Coefficient of gear pin diameter:Z针轮系数
Cold flow:N碾击塑变
Common apcx:G公共锥顶
Common normal lengh(cycloidal gear) :G公法线长度(摆线轮)
Common normal lengh( pin wheel):G公法线长度(针轮)
Compound oscillating tooth:Z组合活齿
Compound planetary gear train :F复合行星齿轮系
Compound planetary gear train :Z组合行星齿轮系
Cone angle:Y圆锥角
Cone distance:Z锥距
Conical spiral:Y圆锥螺旋线
Conjugate profile :F复合行星齿轮系(复合行星齿轮系)
Constant chord:G固定弦齿厚
Constant chord height:G固定弦齿高
Contact of tooth flanks:C齿面的接触
Contact ratio and overlap ratio :C重合度
Contrate gear :D端面齿盘
Contrate gear pair :Y圆柱齿轮端面齿盘副
Corresponding flanks:T通侧齿面
Corrosive wear:M磨蚀磨损
Counterpart rack:C产形齿条
Crank element:Q曲拐元件
"Crest,Top land":C齿顶面(齿顶)
Crest width:D端面齿顶厚
Crossed hilical gear pairs  :J交错轴斜齿轮副
Crossing point of axes:Z轴线交点
Crowned teeth:G鼓形齿
Crown gear :G冠轮
Curtate cycloid :D 短幅摆线
Curtate epicycloid:D短幅外摆线
Curtate hypocycloid:D短幅内摆线
Curtate involute:S缩短渐开线
Curtate ratio:D短幅系数
Curves and surface:Q曲线和曲面
Cutter interference:Q切齿干涉
Cycloid  :B摆线
Cycloidal drive with small teeth difference(cycloidal-pin wheel planetary drive):B摆线少齿差传动(摆线针轮行星传动)
Cycloidal gear   :B摆线齿轮
Cycloidal gear   :B摆线圆柱齿轮(摆线齿轮)
Cycloidal gear pair with smsll teeth difference(cycloidalpin wheel pair)  :B摆线少齿差齿轮副(摆线针轮副)
"Cycloidal gear, pin wheeland their  planetary gearing mechanisms ":B摆线轮、针轮及其行星传动机构
Cycloidal gears:B摆线齿轮(摆线轮)
Cycloidal gear with compound profile:F复合齿形的摆线轮
Cycloidal gear with equidistant curve of curtate epicycloid:B短幅外摆线的等距曲线的摆线轮
Cycloidal gear with equidistant curve of curtate hypocycloid:B短幅内摆线的等距曲线的摆线轮
Cycloidal gear with equidistant curve of epicycloid :W外摆线的等距曲线的摆线轮
Cycloidal gear with equidistant curve of hypocycloid:N内摆线的等距曲线的摆线轮
Cycloidal gear with equidistant curve of prolate epicycloid :C长幅外摆线的等距曲线的摆线轮
Cycloidal lantern gear :Z针轮
Cycloidal lantern pinion and wheel:Y圆柱针轮副
Cylindrical gear:Y圆柱齿轮
Cylindrical gear pair:Y圆柱齿轮副
Cylindrical gears and gear pairs :Y圆柱齿轮和圆柱齿轮副
Cylindrical of worm:W蜗杆圆柱面
"Cylindrical-pin wheel planetary gearing mechanism,cycloidal drive( cylindrical gearing mechanism,with small teeth difference)  ":B摆线针轮行星传动机构(摆线少齿差传动机构)
Cylindrical worm :Y圆柱蜗杆
Cylindrical worm :D单导程圆柱蜗杆(圆柱蜗杆)
Cylindrical worm gear pair  :Y圆柱蜗杆副
Cylindrical worm gears:Y圆柱蜗杆传动
"Cylindrical worm gears;cylindrical worm,wormwheel ":Y圆柱蜗杆传动;圆柱蜗杆、蜗轮
Datum line :J基准线
Datum plane:J基准平面
Dedendum angle:C齿根角
Dedendum flank:X下齿面
Defintions by profile forms:A按齿廓的形状
Defintions by relative position of teeth :A按轮齿的相对位置
Destructing scoring:P破坏性胶合
Destructing pitting:P破坏性点蚀
Determination of mechanical vibrationd of gear units during acceptance testing:Y验收试验中齿轮装置机械振动的测定
Diamertral dimesions:Z 直径参数
Diamertral pitch:X行星齿轮系(行星轮系)
Diamertral quotient:W蜗杆直径系数
Diameter:Z 直径
Diameter and radius:Z直径和半径
Diameter at root of gorge of wormwheel:W蜗轮喉圆直径
Diametral quotient:Z直径系数
Differential gear train :C差动齿轮系(差动轮系)
Differentions by gear outlines :A按齿轮的外形
Differentions by profile forms :A按齿廓的形状
Difinitions by tooth traces:A按齿线的形状
Dimensions :C尺寸参数
Dimensions of tooth depth  :C齿高参数
Distribution circle:F分布圆
Distribution cylinder:F分布圆柱面
Distribution diameter :F分度圆直径
Distribution pitch:F分布圆齿距
Distribution surface:F分布曲面
Double enveloping worm gear pair:H环面蜗杆副
Douole-circular-arc gear  :S双圆弧齿轮
Douole-helical gear :R人字齿轮
Driven gear :C从动齿轮(从动轮)
Driving gear :Z主动齿轮(主动轮)
Dual lead cylindrical worm :S双导程圆柱蜗杆
Each of the part of tooth surface:C齿表面的各个部分
"Eccentric element(Arm,carrier)":P偏心元件(转臂)
Effective facewidth:Y有效齿宽
Electric current damage:D点蚀
Elliptical gear :T椭圆齿轮
End relief:C齿端修薄
Engagement of gears:C齿轮的啮合
Engagement of teeth :L轮齿的啮合
Enveloping worm:H环面蜗杆
Equidistant curve of curtate epicycloid :D短幅外摆线的等距曲线
Equidistant curve of epicycloid   ||
Equidistant curve of curtate hypocycloid:D短幅内摆线的等距曲线
Equidistant curve of hypocycloid:N内摆线的等距曲线
Equidistant curve of prolate epicycloid   ||
Equidistant curves:D等距曲线
Equidistant curves of epicycloid:W外摆线的等距曲线
Excessive wear:G过度磨损
External cycloidal gear :W外齿摆线轮
External gear :W外齿轮
External gear pair :W外齿轮副
External pin wheel:W外齿针齿轮
Epicycloidal gear train :X行星齿轮系(行星轮系)
Equidistant curve of prolate epicycloid :C长幅外摆线的等距曲线
Face width:W蜗轮齿宽
Face width of wormwheel :W蜗轮齿宽
Failure by interference:G干涉损伤
Fatigue breaklage:P疲劳折断
Fillet radius:C齿根圆角半径
Flexible gear:R柔性齿轮(柔轮)
Flexible rolling bearing:R柔性滚动轴承
Floating disc type output mechanism:F浮动盘输出机构
Gear pair:C齿轮副
Gear pair with intersecting axes:X相交轴齿轮副
Gear pair with modified centre distance:J角变位圆柱齿轮副
Gear pair with non-parallel non-inters ecting axes :J交错轴齿轮副
Gear pair with small teeth difference :S少齿差齿轮副
Gear pair without shaft angle moditication:G高变位锥齿轮副
Gear pair with parallel axes:P平行轴齿轮副
"Gear pair with reference centre,distance":G高变位圆柱齿轮副
Gear pair with shaft angle modifiantion:J角变位锥齿轮副
Gear pin:Z针齿销
Gear pin diameter :Z针齿直径
Gear pin diameter and effective facewidth:Z针齿直径和有效齿宽
"Gear pin,ring gear pin ":Z针齿销
Gear roller:Z针齿套
"Gear roller,ring gear roller ":Z针齿套
Gears and gear mechanisms:L齿轮与齿轮机构
Gears and gear pairs with other forms:Q其它类型的齿轮和齿轮副
Gear ratio:C齿数比
Gear teeth   ||
Gear teeth and tooth spaces:L轮齿和齿槽
Gear teeth,Tooth:L轮齿(齿)
Gear train:C齿轮系
Gears with addendum modification:B变位齿轮
Generant circle of gorge:Y咽喉母圆
General Definitions:Y一般定义
General epicycloid circular arc spur gear:P普通外摆线圆弧直齿轮
Generant of the toroid:Y圆环面的母圆
Generating angle:C产形角
Generating circle(rolling circle) :F发生圆(滚圆)
Generating cylinder :F发生圆柱面
Generating diameter(rolling diameter) :F发生圆直径(滚圆直径)
Generating flank:C产形齿面
Generating gear of a gear:J几何概念和运动概念的应用
Generating rolling line for tooth form of worm:W蜗杆齿面成形线
Generating rolling line of tool :D刀具产形线
Geometrical and kinematical nation used in cycloidal drives:J几何概念和运动概念的应用
Geometrical and linematical notions used in gears:L螺旋线
Geometrical surfaces:J几何曲面
Gleadon spiral bevel gear :H弧齿锥齿轮
"Gorge circle, Circle at root of gorge ":Y咽圆
Gorge radius:Y咽喉半径
Gorge radius:Y咽喉母圆半径
Grinding cracks:M磨削裂纹
Hands of worm:W蜗杆旋向
Helical bevel gear  :X斜齿锥齿轮
Helical gear pair:X斜齿圆柱齿轮副(斜齿轮副)
"Helical gear,Sigle-helical gear    ":X斜齿圆柱齿轮
Helical rack:X斜齿条
Helix and spirals:Y圆柱螺旋线
Helix angle:L螺旋角
Helix angle at reference cylinder(Helix angle):F分度圆柱螺旋角(螺旋角)
"Helix angle(for cylindrical gears),Spiral(for and hypoid gears)":L螺旋角
Helix,Circular helix:C产形齿轮(产形轮)
Helix of cylindrical worm:W蜗杆螺旋线
Helix of reference cylinder of worm (Helix):F分度圆柱螺旋线(螺旋线)
Helix parameter:L螺旋参数
"Hindley-worm, TA-worm":Z 直廓环面蜗杆(TA蜗杆)
Hollow flank worm(ZC-worm);tooth form :Y圆弧圆柱蜗杆(TC蜗杆); 齿形
Hypoid gear :Z准双曲面齿轮
Hypoid gear pair :Z准双曲面齿轮副
Imaginary curves   ||  J假象曲线
Imaginary curves and surfaces:J假象曲面和曲线
Imaginary surfaces:J假象曲面
Imaginary surfaces and curves:J假象曲面和曲线
Initial pitting:Z早期点蚀
Inner circle of the toroid:Y圆环面的内圆
Inner cone:Q前锥面(前锥)
Inner cone distance:N内锥距
Inner apiral angle :X小端螺旋角
Input shaft:S输入轴
Instantaneous axis:S瞬时轴
Interference and correction of the flank shape:G干涉和修形
Interference and modification of the flank shape:G干涉和修形
Interference of flank :L轮齿的干涉
Internal cycloidal gear   :N内齿摆线轮
Internal gear   :N内齿轮
Internal gear pair  :N内齿轮副
Internal pin wheel:N内齿针齿轮
"Involute helicoid worm ,ZA-worm":J渐开线蜗杆(ZI蜗杆)
Involute helicoid worm(ZI-worm);tooth form :J渐开线蜗杆(ZI蜗杆);齿形
Involute internal gear pair with small teeth difference:J渐开线少齿差内齿轮副
Involute cylindrical gear :J渐开线圆柱齿轮(渐开线齿轮)
Involute cylindrical gears information of the dimensional data :J渐开线圆柱齿轮图样上应注明的尺寸数据
Involute helicoid:J渐开螺旋面
"Involute to a circle,involute":Y圆的渐开线(渐开线)
Kinematic definitions:Y运动学定义
K-H-V type planet-ary gear drive mechanism:K-H-V型行星齿轮传动机构
2-K-H type planetary gear drive mechanism:2K-H型行星齿轮传动机构
3 K type planetary gear drive mechamism:3K型行星齿轮传动机构
Lead angle:D导程角
Lead angle:F分度圆导程角
Left flank:Z左侧齿面
Left-hand teeth:Z左旋齿
Line of centres:L连心线
Line of contact:S瞬时接触线
Load balancing mechanism:J均载机构
Localized scoring:J局部胶合
"Locating distance,Apex to back":A安装面
Locating face:D定位面
Mating flank :X 相啮齿面
Mating gear :P配对齿轮
Mating gears :M模数
Mean cone distance:Z中点锥距
Mean spiral angle:Z中点螺旋角(螺旋角)
Meshing interference:N啮合干涉
Methods for the calculation of load capacity for bevel gears:Z锥齿轮承载能力计算方法
Methods for the calculation of load capacity of involute cylindrical gears:J渐开线圆柱齿轮承载能力计算方法
Middle circle of the toroid:Y圆环面的中性面
Middle cone:Z中间锥面(中锥)
Mid-plane :Z中间平面
"Milled helicoid worm, ZK-worm":Z锥面包络圆柱蜗杆(ZK蜗杆)
Moderate scoring:Z中等胶合
Moderate wear:Z中等磨损
Modification coefficients:B变位系数
Modification of moved distance :Y移距修形
Mid-plane of the toroid :Y圆环面的中间平面
Modification of equidistance :D等距修形
Modification of moved distance   ||
Modification of rotated angle:Z转角修形
Module and diameter of cyllindrical worm:Y圆柱蜗杆模数和直径
Module and diametral pitch:M模数和径节
Module (axial module) :M模数(轴向模数)
Modules of bevel gear:Z锥齿轮模数
Modules of involute cylindricakl gears:J渐开线圆柱齿轮模数
Multiple-stage planetary gear train:D多级行星齿轮系、
"Nomenclature,characteristics,causes of gear tooth failure":C齿轮轮齿损伤的术语,特征和原因
Nominal centre distance:M名义中心距
Non-cirular gear:F非圆齿轮
Non-cirular gears and lantern gears :F非圆齿轮和针轮
Non-cirular gear pairs:F非圆齿轮副
Non-working flank:F法向径节
Normal backlash:F法向侧隙
Normal base pitch:F法向基圆齿距(法向基节)
Normal base thickness:F法向基圆齿厚
Normal chordal height:F法向弦齿高
Normal chordal tooth thickness :F法向弦齿厚
Normal crest width:F法向齿顶厚
Normal diametral pitch:F法向模数
Normal dimensions:F法向参数
Normal helix:F法向螺旋线
Normal helix of worm:W蜗杆法向螺旋线
Normal module:F非工作齿面
Normal pitch:F法向齿距
Normal plane :F法向齿廓
Normal plane of worm :W蜗杆法平面
Normal pressure angle:F法向压力角
Normal pressure angle at a point:R任意点的法向压力角
Normal profile:C齿数
Normal profile angle of worm :W蜗杆法向齿形角
Normal spacewidth:F法向齿槽宽(法向槽宽)
Normal space width:F法向齿槽宽
Normal tooth profile:F法面齿廓
Normal tooth thickness:F法向齿厚
Norminal pressure angle:C齿形角
Normonic gear drive mechanism:X谐波齿轮传动机构
Number of teeth:C齿数
Number of teeth:C齿轮的齿数
Number of teeth of gears:T头数
"Number of threads,Number of starts":F法平面
Number of threads of worm:W蜗杆头数
"Octoid gear,(So-called""involute bebel gear"") ":8字啮合锥齿轮
Oerlikon spiral bevel gear:B摆线锥齿轮
Offset of tooth trace:C齿线偏置距
Opposite flanks:Y异侧齿面
Oscillating tooth :H活齿
Oscillating tooth carrier :H活齿架
Oscillating tooth gear:H活齿轮
Oscillating tooth gear drive mechahism with small teeth difference:H活齿少齿差齿轮传动机构
Oscillating tooth gear pair with small teeth difference:H活齿少齿差齿轮副
Other angle dimensions :Q其它角参数
Other linear dimension:Q其它线性参数
Other linear dimensions:Q其他线性参数
Outer cone distance:w外锥距(锥距)
Outer coupling:S输出联接
Outer shaft:S输出轴
Outer spiral angle:D大端螺旋角
Output mechanism:S输出机构
Overlap angle:Z纵向作用角
Overlap arc:Z纵向弧
Overlap ritio:Z纵向重合度
Overload breakage:G过载折断
Panel height:F幅高
Parallel helical gear pair :P平行轴斜齿轮副
Phase angle of meshing:N啮合相位角
Pin-hole type output mechanism :X销孔输出机构
Pinion :X小齿轮(小轮)
"Pin gear, pin wheel ":Z针轮
Pin wheel:Z针轮
Pin wheel housing:Z针齿壳
Pinwheel housing:Z针齿壳
"Pin wheel,pin gear":Z针齿轮(针轮)
Pitch :C齿距
Pitch and lead :C齿距和导程
Pitch angle :J节圆锥角(节锥角)
Pitch circle:J节圆
Pitch circle(cycloidal gear):J节圆(摆线轮)
Pitch circle of worm:W蜗杆节圆
Pitch circle (pin wheel):J节圆(针轮)
Pitch cone:J节圆锥面(节锥)
Pitch cylinder:J节圆柱面
Pitch cylinder(cycloidal gear):J节圆柱面(摆线轮)
Pitch cylinder of worm:W蜗杆节圆柱面
Pitch cylinder of wormwheel:W蜗轮节圆
Pitch cylinder of wormwheel:W蜗轮节圆柱面
Pitch cylinder(pin wheel):J节圆柱面(针轮)
Pitch diameter:J节圆直径
Pitch diameter(cycloidal gear):J节圆直径(摆线轮)
Pitch diameter of worm:W蜗杆节圆直径
Pitch diameter(pin wheel):J节圆直径(针轮)
Pitch helix:J节圆螺旋线
Pitch line:J节线
Pitch plane:J节平面
Pitch point :J节点
Pitch surface:J节曲面
"Pitch ,tooth thickness and spacewidth":C齿距,齿厚和齿槽
Plane of action:N啮合平面
Planet carrier:X行星架
Planet carrier:X行星架(系杆)
Planet carrier(arm):X行星架(转臂)
Planet gear:X行星轮
Planet gear:X行星齿轮(行星轮)
Planetare gear drive mechanism:X行星齿轮传动机构
Planetare gear drive with small teeth difference||  S少齿差行星齿轮传动
Planetare gear train :X行星齿轮系(行星轮系)
Planetary bevel gear drive with small teeth difference:Z锥齿少齿差行星齿轮传动
Planetary involute gear drive with small teeth difference :J渐开线少齿差行星齿轮传动
Plastic deformation:S塑性变形
Point of contact:S瞬时接触点(接触点)
Prcssure angle at a point:R任意点压力角
Pressure angle:Y压力角
Profile angle:W蜗杆齿形角
Profile modification and axial modification  :C齿廓修形和齿向修形
Profile modification(profile  correctiong) :C齿廓修形
"Profile modification,Profile  correctiong":C齿廓修形
Profile shifted gears for cylindrical worm gears:B变位圆柱蜗杆传动
Prolate cyoloid:C长幅摆线
Prolate epicycloid:C长幅外摆线
Prolate hypocycloid:C长幅内摆线
Prolate involute:Y延伸渐开线
Prolate ratio:C长幅系数
Quenching cracks:C淬火裂纹
Radial backlash:J径向侧隙
Radium chamfer:C齿顶圆角半径
Radium of tooth fillet:C齿根圆角半径
Radius variation ratio:B 变幅系数
Random fracture:S随机断裂
Rasic and counterpart rack:J基本齿条与产形齿条
Reference addendum  :F分度圆齿顶高(齿顶高)
Reference addendum(addendum)  :F分度圆齿顶高(齿顶高)
Reference centre distance:B标准中心距
Reference circle:F分度圆
Reference circle of worm:W蜗杆分度圆
Reference circle of wormwheel:W蜗轮分度圆
Reference cone angle:F分度圆锥角(分锥角)
Reference cone apex:F分锥顶点
Reference cylinder  ||   F分度圆柱面
Reference cylinder of worm:W蜗杆分度圆
Reference dedendum:F分度圆齿根高(齿根高)
Reference dedendum(dedendum):F分度圆齿根高(齿根高)
Reference diameter:F分度圆直径
Reference diameter of worm:W蜗杆分度圆直径
Reference heilix:F 分度圆螺旋线
Reference lead angle(lead angle):F分度圆柱导程角(导程角)
Reference pitch:F分度圆齿距
Reference pitch:F分度圆齿距(周节)
Reference planes:C参考平面
Reference surfaces:F分度曲面
Reference toroid:F分度圆环面
Reference toroid of wormwheel:W蜗轮中圆环面
Relation between cycloidal gear and pin wheel:B摆线轮与针轮的相互关系
Relation between gears :C齿轮的相互关系
Relation position and speed of gears :C齿轮的相对位置和速度
Representation of drawings for cycloidal drives:B摆线针轮行星传动 图书方法
Right flank:Y右侧齿面
Right-hand teeth:Y右旋齿
Rigidity gear:G刚性齿轮(刚轮)
Rim and web failure:L轮缘和幅板损伤
Ring gear :N内齿圈
Ring gear(Annulus) :N内齿圈
Roller oscillating tooth:G滚子活齿
Root angle :G根圆锥角(根锥角)
Root circle:C齿根圆(根圆)
Root circle of worm:W 蜗杆齿根圆
Root circle of wormwheel:W蜗轮齿根圆
Root cone:C齿根圆锥面(根锥)
Root cylinder :C齿根圆柱面
Root cylinder of worm :W蜗杆齿根圆柱面
Root diameter:G根圆直径
Root diameter of worm:W蜗杆齿根直径
Root diameter of wormwheel:W蜗杆齿根圆直径
Root toroid of wormwheel:W蜗轮齿根圆环面
Root relief:X修根
Root surfaces :C齿根曲面
Root toroid:C齿根圆环面
Rotating bevel gear:Z转动锥齿轮
Rush-rod oscillating tooth:T推杆活齿
Screw helicoid:A阿基米德螺旋面
Sections of worm:W蜗杆截面
Sections of wormwheel:W蜗轮截面
Shaft angle:Z轴交角(轴角)
Simplified mothods for the calculation of load capacity of involute cylingrical gears for general machines :T通用机械渐开线圆柱齿轮承载能力简化计算方法
Single planetare gear train   :D单级行星齿轮系
Single planetare gear train   :J简单行星齿轮系(简单行星轮系)
Slide block type output mechanism:S十字滑块输出机构
Sliglt scoring:Q轻微胶合
Spacewidth half angle:C齿厚半角
Space width of wormwheel :W蜗轮齿槽宽
Specification for turbine gearing:T透平齿轮传动装置技术条件
Speed increasing gear pair :Z增速齿轮副
Speed increasing ratio:Z增速比
Speed increasing gear train:Z增速齿轮系
Speed reducing gear pair :J减速齿轮副
Speed reducing ratio :J减速比
Speed reducing gear train :J减速齿轮系
Spherical involute :Q球面渐开线
Spherical involute helicoid :Q球面渐开螺旋面
Spiral angle at a point:R任意点螺旋角
Spiral bevel gear  :Q曲线齿锥齿轮
Spiroid :Z锥蜗杆
Spiroid gear:Z锥蜗轮
Spiroid gear  pairs :Z锥蜗杆和锥蜗轮
Spur gear :Z直齿圆柱齿轮(直齿轮)
Spur gear pair :Z锥蜗轮副
Spur gear pair  ||  Z直齿圆柱齿轮副(直齿轮副)
Spur rack:Z直齿条
Standard basic race tooth profle of bevel gears:Z锥齿轮的基本齿个廓
Standard gears:B标准齿轮
Standard gears for cylindrical worm gears :B标准圆柱蜗杆传动
Straight bevel gear :Z直齿锥齿轮
"Straight sided axial worm,ZA-worm":A阿基米德蜗杆(轴向直廓蜗杆,ZA蜗杆)
"Straight sided axial worm,ZA-worm;tooth form":A阿基米德蜗杆(ZA蜗杆);齿形A
"Straight sided normal worm, ZN-worm  ":F法向(直廓蜗杆,ZN蜗杆)
"Straight sided normal worm, (ZN-worm);tooth form  ":F法向直廓蜗杆(ZN蜗杆);齿形
Sun gear :T太阳轮
Surface and curves:Q曲面和曲线
Surface fatigue:C齿面疲劳
Surface of action:N啮合曲面
Swing bevel gear:B摆动锥齿轮
Symbols for gear gear geometrical data :C齿顶曲面
Symbols of geometrical data for cycloidal drives:B摆线针轮行星传动  几何要素代号
Teeth characteristics :C齿轮几何要素代号
Teeth characteristics :L轮齿特性
Terminology and symbols for cylindrical worm and wormwheel :Y圆柱蜗杆、蜗轮术语及代号
Tip angle:D顶圆锥角(顶锥角)
Tip circle:C齿顶圆(顶圆)
Tip circle of worm:W蜗杆齿顶圆
Tip circle of wormwheel:W蜗杆齿圆
Tip cone:C齿顶圆锥面(顶锥)
Tip cylinder:C齿顶圆柱面
Tip cylinder of worm:W蜗杆齿顶圆柱面
Tip diameter:D顶圆直径
Tip diameter:C齿顶圆直径
Tip diameter of worm:W蜗杆齿顶圆直径
Tip diameter of wormwheel:W蜗轮顶圆直径
"Tip distance,Crown back":L轮冠距
Tip- root distance :D顶根圆
Tip surface:C齿棱
Tip surface:C齿顶曲面
Tip surface of wormwheel:W蜗轮齿顶曲面
Tip ,Tooth tip:C齿轮特性
Tooth depth:C齿高
Tooth depth and facewidth:C齿高和齿宽
Tooth flank:C齿面
Tooth form of worm:W蜗杆齿形
Tooth plastic flow:C齿体塑变
Tooth profile:C齿廓
Tooth profile and trace:C齿廓与齿线
Tooth profile and trace:C齿槽
Tooth profile at tangential plane of base cylinder:J基圆柱切平面齿廓
Tooth profile of worm:W蜗杆齿轴
Tooth space:C齿槽
Tooth surfaces :C齿线
Tooth thickness:C齿厚
Tooth thickness half angle:C齿厚半角
Tooth thickness of wormwheel :C齿轮齿厚
Tooth trace:C齿轮
Toothed gear:C齿轮系
Total angle of transmission :Z总作用角
Total atc of transmission:Z总作用弧
Total contact ratio:Z总重合度
Total depth:C齿高
Train of gears :C传动比
Transmission  ratio :C传动比
Transverse chordal tooth thiclness  :D端面弦齿厚(弦齿厚)
Transverse  pitch:D端面基圆齿距(端面基节,基节)
Transmission  ratio :C传动比
Transverse angle of transmission :D端面作用角
Transverse arc of transmission:D端面作用弧
Transverse base thickness:D端面基圆齿厚(基圆齿厚)
Transverse contact ratio:D端面重合度
Transverse diametral pitch :D端平面
Transverse module:D端面模数
Transverse module:D端面模数
"Transverse path of contact,path of contact":D端面啮合线(啮合线)
Transverse pitch:D端面齿距(齿距)
Transverse plane:D端面齿廓
Transverse plane of worm:W蜗杆端平面
Transverse plane of wormwheel:W蜗轮端平面
Transverse pressure angle:D端面压力角(压力角)
Transverse pressure angle at a point:R任意点的端面压力角
Transverse profile:K可用齿面
Transverse profile of wormwheel:W蜗轮的端面齿廓
Transverse spacewidth :D端面齿槽宽(槽宽)
Transverse tooth profile:D端面齿廓
Trochoids :B摆线
Types of bevel and hypoid gears   :A按齿轮的外形
Types of cycloidal gears  :B摆线轮的分类
Types of cylindrical gears  :Y圆柱齿轮的分类
Types of cylindrical worms:Y圆柱蜗杆的分类
Types of enveloping worms :H环面蜗杆的分类
Types of pin wheel:Z针轮的分类
Types of worm gear pairs:W蜗杆副的分类
Undercut:W 挖根
Universal joint type output mechanism:W万向联轴器输出机构
Usable flank  ||   D当量齿数
Variable epicycloid circular arc spur gear:B变幅外摆线圆弧直齿轮
Variable involute circular arc spur gear:B变幅渐开线圆弧直齿轮
Virtual cylindrical gear of bevel gear     :Z锥齿轮的当量圆柱齿轮
Virtual cylindrical gear pair :D当量圆柱齿轮副
"Virtual gear,Virtual spur gear   ":X斜齿数的当量齿数
"Virtual number of teeth,Equivalent number of teeth Wheel ":D大齿轮(大轮)
Wave generater:B波发生器
Width angle:C齿宽角
"Wildhaber-worm, TP-worm":P平面包络环面蜗杆(TP蜗杆)
"Wildhaber-wormwheel, P-worm wheel ":P平面蜗轮(P蜗轮)
Working addendum :J节圆齿顶圆
Working backlash:N啮合侧隙
Working dedendum:J节圆齿根高
Working depth:G工作齿度
Working depth:G工作高度
Working facewidth:W蜗杆齿宽
Working flank:G工作齿面
Working pitch:J节圆齿距(齿距)
Working pitch point:N啮合节点
Working pressure angle:N啮合角
Worm and their mating wormwheels :W蜗杆及其配对蜗轮
Worm face width :W蜗杆齿宽
Worm gear pair:W蜗杆副
Worm gear pairs(for shaft angle 90):W蜗杆副(轴交角为90度时)
Worm thread :W蜗杆轮齿
Worm wheel :W蜗轮
X-gear pair:B变位齿轮副
X-zero gear:F非变位齿轮
X-zero gear pair:F非变位齿轮副
Zero teeth difference type output mechanism:L零齿差输出机构
Zone of action:N啮合区域
Zorol bevel gear :L零度锥齿轮


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: